
广西足球 Guangxi Football

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Guangxi Hengchen 2024 March Schedule

Guangxi Hengchen once again headed to the Sanshui training base in Foshan to conduct the final preparations for the new season. From February 21st to 29th, they have already had warm-up matches with several teams. According to the schedule, in March, they will compete against Guangzhou Anhua, Dalian Kuncheng, and Hunan Xiangtao to test the team's training quality and the integration of new players. Friendly Match Schedule: - March 2: Guangxi Hengchen VS Guangzhou Anhua (Guangdong Super League) - March 6: Guangxi Hengchen VS Dalian Kuncheng (China League Two) - March 9: Guangxi Hengchen VS Hunan Xiangtao (China League Two)
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